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Why Is Wp Login Site Not Secure Updated FREE

Why Is Wp Login Site Not Secure

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Tin't admission wp-admin? Beingness locked out of your WordPress dashboard can exist incredibly frustrating – you definitely don't need the states to tell you that.

Still, while you might not exist feeling nifty right now, there's good news. In most cases, it'due south just a temporary event and, once you diagnose the underlying problem, yous'll be dorsum into your WordPress dashboard in no fourth dimension, with no loss to your site's content.

In this post, we're going to aid you figure out why you tin't access wp-admin and how to gear up the problem. To do this, we'll list a bunch of potential issues along with solutions to each problem.

By the end, you should be able to get your site working and access the wp-admin again.

If you already have at least an idea of what'south going wrong, y'all can click the list beneath to leap straight to the solution to that trouble. On the other hand, if you have no idea what's happening, you can use this listing as a sort of troubleshooting guide.

Common reasons why you tin't access wp-admin

Go through the issues/solutions that utilize to yous 1-past-one and you lot should eventually find the trouble and become things working again:

  1. Your login credentials (username/password) are incorrect
  2. Yous're being blocked by your security plugin
  3. Yous changed the WordPress login URL
  4. Your WordPress retentiveness limit is as well low
  5. At that place's a problem with your WordPress site (White Screen of Decease, 500 Internal Server Error, etc.)
  6. There'due south something wrong with your .htaccess file
  7. Your site URL is incorrect
  8. At that place's a problem with file permissions
  9. Your cadre WordPress files are corrupted

Let's get started and so that you can go back into your dash. Merely start:

The thing to do before you start digging

Earlier you practice anything else, you lot should articulate your browser cache and cookies to make certain the problem is real.

Before you assume that at that place's some big reason for why you lot tin't access wp-admin, yous should rule out some uncomplicated effect with your web browser cache and cookies. Strange things can happen and sometimes clearing your browser cache fixes everything (which means there was never any problem with your WordPress site itself).

To articulate your browser cache in Chrome:

  1. Click on the "three dot" icon in the top-correct corner.
  2. Hover over the More tools menu
  3. Choose Clear browsing data
  4. Make sure that both cookies and browser enshroud are selected
  5. Click Articulate data (I recommend leaving the Time range as the Last hour so that you don't have to re-login to every single site)
Clearing your browser cache can help if you can't access wp-admin

Here are instructions to articulate the browser cache for other web browsers.

If that didn't fix the problem, let'due south get into the actual issues…

ane. Your login credentials are wrong

One of the simplest reasons that you might be locked out of WordPress is that your login credentials are incorrect. While this seems basic, information technology's happened to all of u.s. at some point or another.

You might've forgotten your countersign, another user at your site might've inverse it for some reason (if you have multiple admins), or, in very rare situations, a malicious actor might've gotten a hold of your account and changed the password.

Then – let's get you lot a new countersign.

Endeavour this first: Utilize the WordPress countersign reset feature

If your admin credentials are wrong, your first footstep should be to use WordPress' built-in countersign recovery characteristic. You should see a "Lost your password?" option on the WordPress login page:

Try the password reset when you can't access wp-admin

If this feature works, you should receive an email that lets you reset your countersign and log in. If the password reset characteristic doesn't work, no worries! You can likewise manually reset your password from your hosting account, it'll just require a few extra steps.

If that fails: Manually reset your password by editing your database

If the password reset email isn't working, you can manually modify your password or create a new WordPress admin user past editing your site's database with a tool called phpMyAdmin (which about all WordPress hosts offer).

There are a few steps here, so we wrote unabridged guides on how to do this:

  1. How to manually change your WordPress password via phpMyAdmin
  2. How to add a new WordPress admin user via phpMyAdmin

ii. Your security plugin is blocking you

If you're using a WordPress security plugin, yous might be unintentionally blocking yourself. For case, many WordPress security plugins include a feature to limit login attempts by temporarily banning you if you enter an incorrect username/password too many times.

Here, you have ii options:

  1. You can expect – usually you'll just exist blocked for a menses of time before you can attempt again.
  2. You tin can manually deactivate the security plugin so that you lot tin can log in right away.

Then how can you conciliate your security plugin if you tin can't access the WordPress dashboard? You can apply FTP (or cPanel File Manager, if your host has that).

To become started, connect to your site's server. Then, navigate to /wp-content/plugins and find the binder for your security plugin. For example, here, you can see the limit-login-attempts-reloaded plugin. Or, you might encounter wordfence, etc:

Find plugin's folder

Now, just rename the binder and append -disabled. This will automatically disable the plugin and y'all should exist able to log in again.

Once you've logged in, you can rename the binder once again and remove the -disabled part. And so, you'll be able to activate your security plugin:

Manually disable security plugin

3. You (or a plugin) changed your login URL

One common WordPress security tip is to modify the URL of your login page, which you can hands accomplish with a diverseness of plugins.

It's a great tip…until you forget the new URL and can't access wp-admin! To fix this and reset your original WordPress login URL, you can follow the same steps as manually deactivating a security plugin:

  1. Connect to your server via FTP or your host's file manager.
  2. Go to the /wp-content/plugins folder and discover the folder of the plugin that'due south changing the login URL.
  3. Rename it to append -disabled.
  4. Log in via the default WordPress login URL.
  5. Rename the folder and reactivate the plugin. Make sure to remember your custom login URL this fourth dimension!
Manually disable plugin when you can't access wp-admin

iv. Your WordPress memory limit is too low

If your WordPress site runs out of PHP retentiveness, that can causes bug with different parts of your site and prevent you lot from accessing the wp-admin area.

This error can likewise come and go, which tin make it tougher to diagnose.

When your site's retention is maxed out, you might be unable to access the wp-admin. But during lower retentivity usage situations, you might non have any problems.

To fix this, you can try request your hosting support if they'll increase the PHP memory limit for you. Or, nosotros have a guide that shows four means to increase the WordPress memory limit by yourself.

5. You're seeing the white screen of death or 500 Internal Server Mistake

And so far, the troubleshooting steps have been assuming that your WordPress site is operation properly, there's just something stopping yous from accessing the WordPress dashboard.

Nevertheless, another common reason why you can't access wp-admin is that your site is experiencing some type of fault. The two biggest ones are:

  1. White screen of expiry – equally the name suggests, yous just run into a white screen with no content when y'all try to log in.
  2. Internal server error – you'll see a message that says something like "500 Internal Server Error" when y'all try to log in.

If you set these errors, your site will kickoff working and y'all tin can log in again. Nosotros have dedicated guides on how to fix both:

  • Ready WordPress white screen of death
  • Fix WordPress 500 Internal Server Fault

Nosotros also have a general guide on how to troubleshoot WordPress errors.

half-dozen. In that location'southward something wrong with your .htaccess file

Your site's .htaccess file controls important functions, like redirects and how your permalinks are structured. If something goes wrong with this file, information technology can prevent you from accessing your WordPress dashboard. You might run across something similar ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS when you try to access your dashboard in Chrome. Or, information technology might present as another trouble.

The solution here is to delete your existing .htaccess file and force WordPress to generate a new 1.

To exercise that, connect to your server via FTP or cPanel File Manager:

  1. Download the existing .htaccess file to your local figurer then that you take a fill-in.
  2. One time y'all've backed upwardly that existing .htaccess file, delete the .htaccess file on your server.

If you can log in subsequently deleting the file, go to Settings → Permalinks and click Save. This forces WordPress to generate a new .htaccess file. You don't need to change any settings – only click the Save button.

If you still can't log in, that means the problem probably wasn't with your .htaccess file. You lot tin reupload the backup version and try some of the other methods on this list.

vii. Your site URL is wrong

Your site URL configures what WordPress "thinks" is your proper URL. If your site URL is wrong, yous won't be able to log in considering WordPress will try to redirect y'all to the wrong URL when yous attempt to access the WordPress login page.

For example, if your site is, WordPress might attempt to redirect you to if your site URL is incorrect, which will lock y'all out of WordPress.

To fix this, connect to your server via FTP or cPanel File Manager. So, edit the wp-config.php file and add the post-obit lines to a higher place the /* That's all, end editing! Happy publishing. */ line:

define('WP_HOME',''); define('WP_SITEURL','');

Make sure to supersede with the actual URL to your WordPress site.

Change site URL when you can't access wp-admin

Note – once you add this to your wp-config.php file, you'll no longer be able to alter your site URL from the WordPress dashboard – remember this if yous need to change domain names in the future.

8. At that place's something wrong with your file permissions

A less common trouble has to practise with file permissions on your server. If you take the incorrect file permissions for the wp-login.php file and wp-admin binder, that can make you unable to access the WordPress dashboard.

In general, all WordPress files should exist 664 (except for the wp-config.php file) and all folders should be 775.

To check and change file permissions, you can connect to your server via FTP. And then:

  • Make sure that wp-login.php is set to 664.
  • Make certain that the wp-admin folder is prepare to 775.
Change WordPress file permissions

ix. In that location'south something wrong with your core WordPress files

Finally, it's rare, but there might exist something wrong with the core wp-login.php file, which is what controls the WordPress login process.

To make sure this isn't the case, you follow these steps:

  1. Download the latest version of WordPress from
  2. Extract the ZIP folder
  3. Upload the wp-login.php file to your server using FTP or your host's File Manager
  4. When prompted, choose to overwrite the existing version of the file on your server

Still tin can't admission wp-admin? Terminal resort: restore from a fill-in

If all else fails, you tin always try restoring your site from a working backup. While this is somewhat of a nuclear selection, it might be able to gear up small errors that are unique to your site.


Beingness locked out of WordPress is never fun. But with the troubleshooting steps in this article, you should hopefully accept been able to effigy out the result and become back into your WordPress dashboard.

At this point, you might desire to acquire more than well-nigh WordPress troubleshooting then that you can exist ameliorate prepared in the future.

Are yous still locked out of WordPress? Or have any questions about these troubleshooting steps? Inquire usa in the comments!

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Why Is Wp Login Site Not Secure



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